A Message From Brown Bottle

G'Day one and all!!!

Brown Bottle here folks!!

Many thanks for sending me the site address along and it looks good, if you remember the first run took place on my Fortieth birthday and the piss up after at home. I would like to thank everyone that took part in either turning up or in setting up the site, as most of you know I haven't been along for a number of years because of some minor problems with my knees brought on over the years by a combination of falling of motorbikes (I knew I shouldn't have taken of the stabilizer wheels) and hitting the ground (and what ever else got in the way) in a totally random and uncivilized manner when landing by parachute. I have finally got an appointment with Doc to have a look at them later on this month and if all goes well I would like to come back and do another trail on "Somme" enchanted evening.

Yours Aye !!

Brown Bottle (aka Igor the demented)

April 2003